shirt.woot derby 125

woot's theme this week is "birds"
and you have to love the weirdo owl

regurgitates what it can't digest
head seems to rotate unrestricted
and is only out at night

uh-oh spaghettios

ript apparel has picked up my drawing
inspired by the tom robbins classic
"still life with woodpecker"

sales start at 1am eastern time on friday morning
sells for 24 hours and is gone

mea culpa

my apologies for disappearing
i have been a little busy

a complete lack of sleep can really kill your tshirt buzz

but i'm hoping to get back on that horse soon

until then, enjoy the cuteness...

shirt.woot do over derby #4

shirt.woot is in the middle of their 4th do over derby
where all the honorable mentions get a second chance for a print

i have a couple designs in the mix
stop by and vote for them if you're so inclined